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Design Guidelines

The guidelines are provided to ensure that the application looks good when embedded in DSCVR and also other considerations to keep in mind when designing Canvas Applications.

Styling Guidelines

  • Applications need to specify a background color. The default background is #0C0F14.
  • The aspect aspect ratio is taken from the preview image. If the preview image is not not present then 1.91/1 is used for the aspect ratio.
  • Canvas width is 100% of the container, but height can change with the resize request
  • Scroll is handled in the host after 1200px, so the canvas be mindful if canvas shows other scrolls

Other Considerations

  • Applications cannot launch popups. However, external links can be opened using a method provided in the SDK. This mechanism allows the user to confirm that they want to navigate to the external URL.
  • Applications cannot navigate away from the original URL.
  • All resources must be served over HTTPS.
  • Applications cannot embed other iframes.